Finance and Governance Committee Members,
For those of you who don't know me, my name is David Sabados and I was the co-lead of the campaign to create the Fair Elections Fund, along with Owen Perkins. I also negotiated the final ballot language with council members, the ballot measure committee, and stakeholder groups before it appeared on ballot. I am reaching out as a constituent and not on behalf of any organization, media outlet, or other entity I have ties to, nor do my views necessarily coincide with all of Mr. Perkins'.
I'm writing today to ask you to oppose the proposed changes to the Fair Elections Fund that have been brought forward by Councilmembers Sawyer and Watson. The proposal, quite simply, is a solution in search of a problem, and a poor solution at that. As Councilwoman Sawyer, who chairs Fin-Gov, has refused to allow public comment for two meetings in a row, I felt the best option was to share my thoughts with you all in writing.
There is no need for revisions to the program at this scale. While any program can be improved, the FEF was widely seen as a great success last election. Nearly all serious candidates utilized the program, but it's also noteworthy that two of the only candidates who did not (Councilwoman Sawyer and Auditor O'Brien) both won their elections. Councilwoman Sawyer has opined that the current process is unfair to non FEF candidates, but the election results show differently. Her and O'brien's victories over FEF candidates showed that the system is balanced.
This ballot measure passed overwhelmingly when presented to voters. It won in every precinct in the city and I ask that council respect the will of the voters. Everyone understands and supports minor updates to citizen measures as needed, but this proposed legislation makes sweeping changes that undermine voter intent.
Councilwoman Sawyer has expressed her opinion that the current (FEF) system is unfair to candidates who choose not to participate, and is seeking to remedy the perceived issue by hobbling FEF candidates' ability to run active campaigns. The proposed changes include double standards that restrict FEF candidate spending while not imposing any similar restrictions on non FEF candidates. Some versions of this legislation have also included reestablishing higher contribution limits for non FEF candidates, which would allow big money directly back into select candidate campaign coffers.
Lack of Clarity
The proposed changes are hard to follow at best. To date, bill sponsors have not provided a redline version of the bill language which would show specific changes to existing law. The draft legislation does not clearly show what is being removed or added.
Poor and Deceptive Stakeholdering
Councilmembers Sawyer and Watson offered a meeting to Mr. Perkins and myself for 9am November 6th - the day after the national election. Despite other obligations, Mr. Perkins and I both attended. Councilmember Watson did not join the call, nor did he send staff, attempt to reschedule, or otherwise engage with us. To date, I have not received any other communication from his office.
During that call, Councilwoman Sawyer repeatedly attempted to imply that we (the original leads of the effort) could be supportive with only minor tweaks. I expressed in no uncertain terms that that was not the case and I was fundamentally opposed to the watering down of the citizen approved measure. Despite providing that feedback, I understand Councilwoman Sawyer has told others that she was actively working with us and could achieve consensus. I will be clear: that is not true and there is no perceivable situation where I, or many others who were involved in the creation and passage of the FEF, would support her attempts to gut the legislation.
Derogatory and Untrue Comments about Citizen Legislation Creators
In a strange mixture of messaging, it has also been reported to me that Councilwoman Sawyer has alternated between saying she is trying to reach consensus with the original creators (us) but also says we are hostile and oppose any changes. That is also not the case.
While Councilwoman Sawyer's understanding of the history of this legislation may be limited to the last few years, I know other council members have a broader understanding. The original ballot language, which had earned enough signatures to appear on ballot, had a few implementation problems - the ballot measure committee recognized that. Wanting to pass good legislation, the ballot measure committee took the unprecedented step of rewriting the language with several councilmembers - none of whom were supportive of the measure, but who acted professionally in their roles. I spent many hours negotiating the finer points of the FEF with Councilman Flynn (who has always said he is adamantly opposed to the FEF) and former Councilwoman Susman, who also opposed the creation of the FEF. Both respected the citizen ballot process and the will of the voters.
Our group of Denver residents worked with them in good faith because we truly wanted the best program possible, even though it meant considerable work on our part and, more importantly, a delay in implementation for an entire election cycle. Additionally, Mr. Perkins, myself, and others have worked with the Clerk's office and others on changes they felt were needed for implementation after its passage. Clerk Lopez and his staff have been respectful, professional, and we appreciate their honest and forthright efforts to make previous tweaks to the FEF. We have supported previous rational changes and will continue to in the future.
Our city is facing numerous challenges that require the attention of our city leaders. I hope members of the Fin-Gov committee vote to stop this ill-conceived effort and not spend any more of council's time on it. After reading Clerk (and former councilmember) Lopez's letter last month urging a no vote because of the many problems with this legislation, it has become apparent that nearly everyone who has reviewed Councilmember Sawyer and Watson's proposal has concluded that it is not in the best interests of our city or our democracy.
Thank you for your attention to this important issue and for your service to our city.
David Sabados
District 1 Resident