Amount Raised (loans excluded): $48,926.49
Number of Contributions: 653
Average Contribution: $74.93
In-State Contributions: 92.72%
Non-individuals: $525
Anonymous: $5
Loans: $0
Self-funded (loans excluded): $219.33
% Self-funded (loans included): 0.45%
% from individuals (includes anonymous and self-funded): 98.93%
adjusted % from individuals (anonymous and self-funded excluded): 98.47%
Special Interest Contributions
$100, Colorado Blue Flower Fund, Denver CO, 3/12/21
$100, RAL Holdings, LLC (Robert A Lembke), Greenwood Village CO, 12/28/20
$100, Canvasback Enterprises, LLC*, Severence CO, 12/29/20
$100, Law Office of Tod J. Smith, LLC, Boulder CO, 1/18/21
$25, Piano Dude, LLC, Fort Collins CO, 2/9/21
$100, Snyder for Colorado Leadership Fund^, Colorado Springs CO, 2/27/21
Independent Expenditure Committee Money In Support or Opposition
$14,913.65, Blueflower Action IE Committee, 3/12/21, Mailing, Support
$15,034.65, Blueflower Atioin IE Committee, 3/18/21, Mailing, Support
$29,000, Blueflower Action IE Committee, 3/22/21, Digital ads Google and website ($3,200), Digital Ads Facebook ($3,500), Digital Ads DSPolitical ($8,000), Video Ads DSPolitical ($6,300), Connected TV Ads DSPolitical ($8,000), Support
$14,942.65, Blueflower Action IE Committee, 3/24/21, Mailing, Support